
Monday, September 22, 2003

forteit the game...
before sumbody else...
take u out of the frame...
put ur name 2 shame...
cover up ur face...
u can't run the race...
the pace is too fast...
u just won't last...

it's been ages since my last update... not that bz actually... juzz don't have the mood to do so... anyway... i've done major changes of my blog... so... how this new look? i need to learn more of this html thing... as this blog will always be under construction... :)

Friday, September 12, 2003

back in cosmo... learning about computer is exciting actually... now i knew lots a things about pc which i happen to know only a part of it before this... glad i joined this off-job training... maybe i can manage my own computer service centre soon... who knows?

by the way... here are a few photo of nori... on her wedding day... her husband is an army... so the wedding was kind a cool with the sword bearer and all the military things going on...

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

it's been a while huh...? kind a bz lately... i'm done wif the KPLI interview this morning... i must admit it goes quite well... what did they asked me...?

"apakah yang menyebabkan anda memilih profession perguruan?"
> what i say... "kerana minat setelah melihat kedua ibubapa yang menjadi pendidik sejak 25 tahun dulu dan kerana cabaran untuk mendidik anak bangsa yang bakal menerajui negara suatu hari nanti."
> what i should say..."saya tak pasti... tapi yg pasti hanya ibubapa yang mahu saya menjadi seorang pendidik... mungkin juga kerana belum mendapat pekerjaan."

"apakah peranan PBB dalam memastikan keamanan dunia?"
quite a question huh? i told them what i knew and that's it... they looked quite satisfied wif the answers..."

"apakah aplikasi mekatronik dalam kehidupan seharian?"
"told them about... F1 cars, all kind of sensors, smart traffic lights, waja line robots... hihihi... i win!:)"

hmm... as for now... we'll see what will happen from here... maybe i'll become a teacher one day... who knows??

Monday, September 8, 2003

this past couple of nites rajin en.eid dtg bertandang kt YM... ape nak buat... azil bz stadi... xbley nk kacau... nk berperang la katakan... err... takpe eh azil aku chat ngan abg.sayang ko... :) tak mara eh? tak baik mara2... nnt kena jual... :D anyway bile lagi aku nk kenal mengenal ngan en.eid ko nie... nnt kalu ko dh kawen tak sempat plak... :D

best gak chat ngan en.eid nie... best nyakat die... :D jgn mara eh en.eid...:) sasaran memang sentiasa tepat punye...

"awak nk address petronas ke?"

"bley gak... mane tau ade lobang keje..."

"arie tue ade dalam pc nie... mane plak pegi nye...?"

"ke cari bende lain jumpa bende lain?... cari address jumpe surat chenta?"

"uish... kena lagi..."

jgn mara eh en.eid... bile lagi saye nk nyakat awak... :D

::what a shame...=)::

perkara yg agak memalukan berlaku pagi tadi... i was on my way to class... in the comuter... once i thought i was reading the newspaper... the next thing i know i dozed off... suddenly... i woke up and realised there's sumthing wrong going on here!!!

"perhentian seputeh... perhentian seputeh..."

oh man!!! damn i missed my stop... KL station dh lepas... tpaksa la buat2 turun... pastu naik jejantas pi platform sebelah... buat mcm xde ape2 yg berlaku... :)

memang la org lain tattau tp macam malu plak pada diri sendiri... hampeh tul la... nie mesti tido lmbt smlm punye pasal la nie... chat ngan en.eid... (hmm jgn mara eh azil...) nasib baik tak stay up update journal... pastu kul 5 dh bangun sahur... pas subuh terus siap nk g class plak...

so... i'll make sure i'll get enough sleep... so it won't happen again... nie yg rase nk tdo skang jugak nie... ;)

Saturday, September 6, 2003


to all readers...

since ade org mempertikaikan penggunaan 'shazana @ shazanneshazana' so... this site has been changed to angelodicaprio.blogspot.com... aka LoNg LiVe aNgeLodicApRio...

Friday, September 5, 2003

back in cosmopint... today arrived time : 8.53am... better than yesterday... nasib naik komuter... kalu naik bas sure lom smpi lg nie...

"hi yoe..."

that's kherman... pagi2 lg dh nmpk muka die...

bad news... smlm ayah gi medical check up... as usual la every 3 months... he need to be warded... as the doc says his heart is in unstable condition... maybe they're running a few test on him... ibu's freaking out... last time b4 they went for haji he was warded too... the sugar level in his blood was high... nowadays his sugar level is ok... really2 improving... maybe he should get some rest... being warded is good 4 him... he can rest, sleep as he wants... maybe it's a lil' bit bored without tv and his fav 'prima' channel... but it's still good for him...

last night... guess who says hi in YM? hehe... en.eid... i thought he doesn't know who i am... baru je nk ayat... jgn mare eh azil... saje je nk test power... tp...

"cik yoe kan nie?"

"camne kenal?"

"biase la...camne bleh add aqulaid nie?"

"hehehe... qma yg kasi..."

"agak dah tue... so sape yg related antara kita nie?... azil la kan?"

"buat2 xtau la plak..."

quite a nice guy... but a lil' bit 'skema' for me... bukan jenis yg 'kepala otak tak betul' like me... :) tp dgn azil kire ok la... azil x betul... en.eid agak betul sket... baru la kena... :D so guys if ur reading this... jgn marah eh... juzz en.eid, u better take really good care of my good friend ya... or else...???!! muahahahaha....

Thursday, September 4, 2003

setiap hariku... mohon agar Kau sentiasa...
memberiku ketenangan... di dalam hati kekuatan...
menempuhi segala... dugaan yang mencabar ini...
pasti... punya ertinya...
Kau beriku harapan... menjawab segala persoalan...
hadapi semua dalam tenang... dengan merasa kesyukuran...
kudoa Kau selalu... mengawasi gerak-geriku...
berkatilah... kuperlu rahmat dariMu...
oh Tuhan.. terangkan hati dalam sanubariku...
untuk menempuhi segala... hidup penuh cabaran ini...
oh Tuhan... kuberserah segalanya kepadaMu...
agar jiwaku ku tenang... dengan bimbinganMu selalu...
adakala kumerasa... hidup ini seperti kaca...
jikalau tidak bersabar... hancur berkecailah akhirnya...
tabahkanlah hatiku... melalui semua itu oh...
kuatkanlah... cekalkanlah diriku...
curahkanlah nikmatMu pada hidupku...

bosan... aku dengan penat...
dan hanya saja kau peka...
seperti berjelaga jika... kau sendiri...

"if u wanna be somebody...
if u wanna go somewhere...
u better wake up and pay attention..."

hmm...i should have done this a long time ago...:(

qma... kherman kirim salam...

life is a world and i wanna keep going...
love is the river i wanna keep flowing...
love is the road now and forever...
woderful journey...
i'll be there when the world stops turning...
i'll be there when the stars is through...
in the end i wanna be standing...
at the beginning with u...

kulari ke hutan... kemudian menyanyiku...
kulari kepantai... kemudian teriakku...
sepi... sepi dan sendiri aku benci....
aku ingin bingar... aku ingin dipasar...
bosan... aku dengan penat...
dan hanya saja kau peka...
seperti berjelaga jika... kau sendiri...
pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai...
biar mengaduh sampai gaduh...
ada malaikat menjadi labah-labah belang...
di tembok keraton putih...
menyapa tidak digoyangkan saja locengnya biar terdera...?
atau aku harus lari kehutan?
belok ke pantai?

back as a student...

here i am... back in cosmopoint... jd student plak balik... nk buat camne... xde org nk ambik aku keje.. pas qma abis master nnt suruh die amik aku jd RO la... :) camne qma? bley ke?
1st day training dh lambat... traffic jam... xbley jadi... sok kena naik komuter... balik je naik bas... blom jumpe kherman kagi arie nie... bz kot mamat tue... best gak la trainer nie... mr.syed lufti amir... sempoi je...

qma dh sudah viva kot... sure ok nye minah tue... memula ckp mmgla susahla ape la... last2 sume ok...

okla... trainer dh smpi... dah abis break rupanya...

Wednesday, September 3, 2003

arie nie sume owang pose... mcm xcaye je ayah pose sunat... tetiba sahur pg td die pon bangun... sure kena paksa ngan ibu le tue... skang nie tgh tdo sjak pas balik skolah tadi... pnat kot since dah lame giler xpose... pas asar kang nak masak... sambal tumis ikan keli... masak kicap bawal... goreng ikan bilis dgn kentang... cincai je la... alah kalu pose ape pon nampak sedap...=) sayur? kirim ibu la beli balik skolah nnt...
sok start class... huuhhh... kena bangun awal la nmpknye... xbley tdo lmbt... mampus ngantuk sok... jmpe kherman lg la esok... excited die nk menjd trainer... good 4 him... blaja pon xabih tp dh jd asst.manager...
nak angkat kain... arie dh petang... kalu ibu ade sure dh ngamuk...

"dh jadi keropok dh kain nye...!!!"

ttiba teringat lak cite p.ramlee...

"annie...!!!! angkat kain jemuran... ujan dah turun...!!!"

tak ujan pon sbenarnye...=)

all the best qma...!!!

qma's having her viva today... all the best huh... hope everythin's ok... u'll be getting ur masters soon enough... CONGRATS!!! let me be the first to cangratulate u... :)

to go or not to go...

yesterday... i received a sms from guy whom i thought was a history...

"hey miss... how ru doing? miss me?"

i thought he'd forgotten all 'bout me... but... well... he juzz come back fron UK... UPON TYNE,NEWCASTLE... we've met sumwhere in the net and chat lots of time... and confessed... he's so into me... what should i say? soon after that... he's gone... no more calls, sms, email... no nuthing whatsoever... then i thought... who cares... juzz drop him... i've got my life to take care of... now he's back in kl and he wants to see me... i'm still thinking 'bout this... to go or not to go..? what i've got to lose if i meet him? i'm still the way i am... who knows? perhaps it's gonna be a new beginning of sumthing? well... we'll see... :)

tangkap! tangkap! bunuh! bunuh!

last night while i was online...

"tangkap! tangkap! bunuh! bunuh!"

"kejar! kejar! dapat siap la waang!!!"

"den kojokan biar pacah kepalo ei...!!"

"dikupak ei tingkap umah den... nasib bebudak ado dumah..."

"wei bob! ko back-up aku... aku nak masuk dalam tengok..."


"nasib bebudak bawah ade ronda..."

"dapek? indak?"

"indak! alah lari waei... nak den sampek nak nangkap ei..."

"cilako punyo pencuri... lain kali den dapek nak sampek idup la waang...!!"

ces't la vie huh... people want to live and they will strive real hard to live... 2-3 minggu nie je ade dekat 5-6 umah yg kena kopak... termasuk la umah mak... abih durian orang tua tue dibelasahnye... nizam punya jersey rugby yg imported pon abis lesap... nasib baik pintu bilik semua kunci except bilik nizam la... kalu tak sure barang kemas mak sume pon abis... ingatkan bile sume "mat tarik" kampung nie dh kena tangkap xde la jd lg... sampai masuk 999 kat tv3 tue... port diorg kena serbu... tp ramai parents kt sinie xkesah...anak die isap dadah ke ape ke... ape anak die buat sume betul... manusia kan? especially org melayu... susah nk mengaku kesalahan sendiri... cari salah org pandai...

Monday, September 1, 2003

bile la nak dapat keje...

tension gak bila memikirkan... bile la nak dapat kerja...? nasib baik ibu & ayah memahami... it's really hard being a fresh graduate nowadays... all the company wants a person with a working experience... maybe blom ade rezeki... anyway i'm starting my classes in cosmopoint this thursday... it's sumthing called SLG... or skim latihan graduan... for unemployed fresh graduate... free training courses plus rm500 allowances for 5 months... okayla drp bosan gile dok umah... i know 500 is nuthing compared to an engineer starting basics... at leats sumthing is better than nuthing... man dah keje... sumwhere in port klang... tucker sumwhere in lumut... sopeq working sumwhere in batu caves... me...? still waiting for a miracle to happen... but it's really unpredictable... maybe my miracle will happen soon enough... c'est la vie...

"ala... jadi cikgu je senang..."

"tak nak la... mane la reti nak mngajar orang..."

"nanti kalu dah belaja cara mngajar ok la tue..."

"tengok la..."

"takkan ibu ngan ayah cikgu takde anak2 yg nak mewarisi...?"

" :P "

well... ibu really hopes i'll be a teacher one day... tapi i'm 2000% sure teaching is not my kind of thing... but i'll go to the KPLI interview next week anyway... and we'll see what will happen from there...

weddings... here and there...

WEDDINGS... funny huh... when it comes to weddings... people will talk... 'ye ke die dah nak kawen?...' or 'hensem tak husband die...?' or 'dulu berchenta ngan orang lain...kawen ngan orang lain...' and finally...'diorang dah... ko bile plak...?' biasela kan... orang melayu... ape yg org lain buat memang tak pernah sempurna... anyway... i received another wedding invitation... RALIZA DAHLAN... aka... babyboy... one of my classmate in TIKL... which will be held this coming saturday, sept 6th... last week another invitation... NORAIDAH IBRAHIM... aka... nori also my classmate... the next day, sept 7th... huhh... banyaknya hadiah kawen orang kena beli... congratulations anyway and hopefully they'll live happily ever after...

hey... it's been a while... i didn't have much time these days... anyway... juzz stopping by 2 say hi... i've got to run... see ya around...